Silver & Gold Market Updates – GSMU in Thousand Oaks

Central banks have been net buyers of physical gold since 2010…

 Central banks have been net buyers of physical gold since 2010. Countries all over the world are considering dumping dollars for fear that they will be next on the list to have their dollar assets frozen or seized the way the U.S. seized the dollar-denominated assets of the Central Bank of Russia.

That makes sense. What’s the point of holding dollars in your reserve positions if the U.S. can freeze those accounts on a whim? Americans tend to take dollar strength for granted, but that’s a mistake. It’s helpful at times like this to get a foreign perspective…

Central Banks Aren’t Dumb

 The goal is to preserve wealth for the long run and the shrewd gold investor takes the long view. That’s how patient investors preserve wealth in the gold market.

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